Saturday, September 13, 2014


I recently saw this video, which is hilarious by the way, and it got me thinking about the concept we often discuss about nature verse nurture. Many people throughout the years have argued about whether we are the product of how we were raised, where we grew up, our social or financial status, or if we simply are who we are, because we were born that way.  As I watched this video I couldn't help but notice that Noah, a five year old, acted an awful lot like and old man. from the way he talked, to what he talked about all seemed to resemble that of an old man.

Knowing that Noah was raised by his grandparents causes me to wonder how much of that nurture played into who Noah is today? Has he always simply been an 'old soul' as many people call it,  or are his personality and mannerisms a product of how he was raised?

Just some food for thought... Who are we really? What makes us who we are, nature or nurture, both perhaps. Does one influence the other or have a stronger influence on who we ultimately become? I'm not sure we will ever know the answer to that, but it's interesting to step back and look at your own life. Think of all the things that influence you each day, do any of those seem to conflict with who you are on the inside?

Either way you see it, we are all people, with dreams and disappointments, we are who we are, we can do hard things, that is pretty amazing!

1 comment:

  1. I've always been a big believer on both nature and nurture having an influence in shaping an individual's personality. Noah was clearly born with a strong personality that's unique to him, but his vocabulary and mannerism suggest that some of his actions could be the result of having grown up with his grandparents. Such an entertaining video!
