Sunday, September 21, 2014

Be the Change

This is unreal...

Gives you something to think about right?!?

Makes me think of the famous quote; "Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Ganhdi

Watching this video makes me wish that every video we were exposed to was this uplifting! Way to go Asians, you really are the smart ones :)


Hmmm... So this will be a short one, but basically I love VINE!

So funny.

Yea so I missed when VINE came out, duties called in Hungary, but now I'm obsessed!!! People are so funny sometimes and do the weirdest things just for a laugh... and lets just say that I'm glad they do :)

Well here's a link to a Facebook page: Best VINE Videos


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Why we do the things we do?

It's a question my best friend and I have been discussing a lot lately... Why we, as people, do the things we do? What are our motives? (specifically in relation to social media)

So this is my question for the world or anyone who's anyone and uses Facebook, Twitter, Intsagram, has a blog, posts anything anywhere, or makes a comment... Why do we do/post/like/comment/use the social media that we do? What are our motives?

Do we think we need to put up a facade, that we have some perfect life when in reality its full of hard times, long hours at work, school, studying, disappointments. Or maybe life really is that easy; full of trips, good food, hors of free time to workout, happy people, perfect clothing, never ending that life? If it is... tell me where I can find it.

What I think and maybe I'm wrong... actually I'm sure people will disagree with me, but social media is a place to escape. We often post the good just so we can escape the bad. When someone likes your picture or retweets something funny you say, how good do you feel? REAL GOOD.... right? and now I'm not saying that social media is bad... I'm right there with every mommy blogger and teenage tweeter that it's nice to feel important to your followers and it's fun to be funny and make others laugh. And let's be honest, don't we all take part in this social media, because we ourselves want to think about the good life, and escape our own less than Instagram worry moments. No one wants to read about failed tests and break ups anyways... so why is it that we do what we do?

To please our followers, to make ourselves feel good, to be something we aren't, or maybe to practice our photo editing skills... Honestly I can't say I know, but I think its just something to think about, the next time you post that sexy selfie on Instagram, ask yourself... 'What message am I sending to the world?' 'What are my motives?' and then with no shame, post it. What do you have to loose... maybe some followers or some dignity, but who needs those anyways :)

Let me know what you think about all this... Why do we do/post/like/comment/use the social media that we do?


I recently saw this video, which is hilarious by the way, and it got me thinking about the concept we often discuss about nature verse nurture. Many people throughout the years have argued about whether we are the product of how we were raised, where we grew up, our social or financial status, or if we simply are who we are, because we were born that way.  As I watched this video I couldn't help but notice that Noah, a five year old, acted an awful lot like and old man. from the way he talked, to what he talked about all seemed to resemble that of an old man.

Knowing that Noah was raised by his grandparents causes me to wonder how much of that nurture played into who Noah is today? Has he always simply been an 'old soul' as many people call it,  or are his personality and mannerisms a product of how he was raised?

Just some food for thought... Who are we really? What makes us who we are, nature or nurture, both perhaps. Does one influence the other or have a stronger influence on who we ultimately become? I'm not sure we will ever know the answer to that, but it's interesting to step back and look at your own life. Think of all the things that influence you each day, do any of those seem to conflict with who you are on the inside?

Either way you see it, we are all people, with dreams and disappointments, we are who we are, we can do hard things, that is pretty amazing!